DISCLAIMER: Alexandria Mardi Gras Association will be increasing purchases made with PayPal for the 2024-2025 Mardi Gras season due to PayPal increasing their service fees.


DISCLAIMER: Purchases (including membership dues and parade entries) made with PayPal will increase beginning the 2024-2025 Mardi Gras season due to an increase in PayPal’s service fees.

How to send payment to AMGA

  1. Login to your account at paypal.com.
  2. Go to “Pay and Get Paid.”
  3. Under the “Send Money” field, enter info@alexmardigras.net as the recipient email address.
  4. Enter dollar amount for event fee (outlined on the event application).
  5. Follow the steps to proceed with the payment and submit.

Check or Money Order

You can submit event fee payment through check or money order payable to the Alexandria Mardi Gras Association. 

Please submit all applications and checks to:

Alexandria Mardi Gras Association
P.O. Box 13651
Alexandria, LA 71315.

*All entry fees must be submitted and received by the deadlined outlined in the application for the applicant to be eligible to participate in the parade.*